a tractor spraying fertilizer on a field

Managing nutrients and water quality

In *All, Agricultural Systems, Environmental Stewardship, Water Security by AgIsAmerica

Nutrients are essential for crops, but must be managed properly. Nutrients provided by fertilizer, manure, compost, cover crops, and other means are essential for the profitable, sustainable production of crops for food, fiber, and bioenergy. Nutrient management is key to maintaining or increasing plant productivity, ensuring soil health, protecting ground and surface water resources from potential harm, and using farmers’ time and money efficiently.

Collaborative research impacts nutrient management. A team of scientists from 15 land-grant universities, the USDA, and private companies is providing up-to-date information and standardized tools and practices to help farmers, crop advisors, policymakers, and others make cost-effective nutrient management decisions that maximize crop productivity while minimizing impacts on water quality.

Source: Multistate Research Fund Impacts Program

Read the full impact statement.

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