two young children prepare vegetables in a kitchen

Community nutrition programs improve healthful outcomes

In *All, Nutrition & Health, Youth, Family, & Communities by AgIsAmerica

Community Nutrition Education Programs, a service of the Land-grant University System, use Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) funding to educate and empower low-income individuals, families, school-age youth and pregnant teens. Extension educators across the country deliver research-based, hands-on learning experiences on diet quality, food safety, physical activity, food security and food resource management through various virtual platforms and in-person classes.

Here are a few examples of that work:

  • Obesity prevalence in the U.S. has increased steadily in the past three decades. In Oklahoma, 90% of participants improved in one or more physical activity areas like exercising for at least 30 minutes a day or making small changes to be more active.
  • Tennessee’s Community Nutrition Education Programs saved over $13 million in healthcare costs for the people in the state.
  • Of the participants in Connecticut, 97% improved at least one practice related to diet quality and 74% of adults improved one food resource management practice.

Source: National Impacts Database

Read the full impact statement.

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