plumeria flowers

Scaling up skills for success in agriculture

In *All, Agricultural Systems, Workforce Development by AgIsAmerica

To remain competitive in the agricultural industry, farmers must stay current on the latest techniques and technology. Training new workers is also essential to building necessary skills in the agricultural labor force.

Here are a few examples of that work:

  • To improve ornamental horticulture industry profits, Hawaii Extension provides education for nursery and floriculture business owners and workers on crop production issues. In a survey, 97% of respondents said the webinars would help them reduce crop losses to diseases.
  • Youths ages 13 to 15 who complete the North Dakota Extension tractor safety certification camps become eligible to work on farms.
  • When pandemic restrictions prevented in-person gathering, Illinois Extension offered webinars that enabled 42 certified crop advisors, more than 300 livestock managers and 291 managers of food businesses to obtain continuing education credits and certification.

Source: National Impacts Database

Read the full impact statement.

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